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Post Info TOPIC: Wich Country have a stronger Army Laos or Cambodia ?

RE: Wich Country have a stronger Army Laos or Cambodia ?

Anonymous wrote:

Laos Army 2011


Laos Special Forces are the best troops in South East Asia

They learned their Guerilla Tactics from Jungle African-Kmers



Laos Special Air Force , they already shot over 100 F-16 from the Air


 ha..ha..ha.. best of south east asia lmao!! more like in the top ten of the worst armies of the world lol. and yes, lao is in the top list LoL



damn!!lao army is so modern, let take over the south east hahaha



Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
khmer warrior wrote:

I think that this thread is senseless to talk which are better.
Laos Army is strong enough to defend their Country , I know that the People in Laos are really proud to be Laotians and
they are ready to fight for their Homeland thats make the Laos Army really strong I think.

 last time i remember, it was the hmong that was doing the fighting while lao flee to the u.s.

 Lao had never really fought any body in a real war so Lao let the Hmong , the Thai and the south Vietnamese and the American  and the north vietnamese to kill each other because Lao are peaceful people. Who ever are  the winner then Lao will be on the winner side.

 more like a big wuss lol, please no more excuses

 There is no excuse,  punk and let make it clear that war is stupid. Lao people just hate war period , Lao people fled Laos and return their from violent and going for peaceful live and freedom . Lao didn't let the Hmong fought for Laos while Lao fled, Hmong fought for themselves stupid punk. Thai and Cambodia want to kill each other that are their business. Chinese and Vietnamese want to kill each other also are their business.

 right....peaceful and yet, most of lao are in gangs....ofcourse lao hate war, they would lost in a matter of days!

 Many Meo are also in gangs.  So what's your point?  OMG! I hate debating with unintelligent dumb asses.



Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:

Laos Army 2011


Laos Special Forces are the best troops in South East Asia

They learned their Guerilla Tactics from Jungle African-Kmers



Laos Special Air Force , they already shot over 100 F-16 from the Air


 ha..ha..ha.. best of south east asia lmao!! more like in the top ten of the worst armies of the world lol. and yes, lao is in the top list LoL

 The first picture looks like Hmong home guards.  For the third picture Lao soldiers don't wear that kind of uniform.  Why make things up? You must be sick.


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Hollywood Star Tony Schiena visit's Cambodian Troops at Preah Vihear between the Cambodian-Thai border.





RE: Which Country have a stronger Army Laos or Cambodia ?

Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
The truth wrote:

The biggest spending in military and weapon research .

 China is second largest military budget is $140 billions  but compare to the United States is $713 billions . If without the use of the nuclear and Chemical , Biological weapons , only use the conventional weapons , the United states could be able to handle both Russia and China in the same time.

  China and Russia won't dare to challenge the United States over Israel and Iran or Taiwan.

  No one could defeat the United States , Only the American people are be able to defeat the America. Military one one could not be able to defeat the United sates military but they could still defeat America politically with the help of the American media and TV and  newspaper because the United States is running by the American people that is the weak part of the United States (democracy and freedom and free speech).

 There are some Lao American  soldiers lost their lives in Iraq and Afghanistan .


RE: Wich Country have a stronger Army Laos or Cambodia ?

There is only way that Laos could beat her neighboring countries in the war by using the biological germ war (Outbreak ) to infect every body .


RE: Which Country have a stronger Army Laos or Cambodia ?

Anonymous wrote:

There is only way that Laos could beat her neighboring countries in the war by using the biological germ war (Outbreak ) to infect every body .

 So Laos don't need big army just the laboratory for disease research and poison the water and the food and infect the animals.


RE: Wich Country have a stronger Army Laos or Cambodia ?

Anonymous wrote:

There is only way that Laos could beat her neighboring countries in the war by using the biological germ war (Outbreak ) to infect every body .

 you guys already have send enough dirty lao hookers to thailand with aids. next stop, vietnam



See the Royal Cambodian Army in Action !!!



Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:

There is only way that Laos could beat her neighboring countries in the war by using the biological germ war (Outbreak ) to infect every body .

 you guys already have send enough dirty lao hookers to thailand with aids. next stop, vietnam

 Your vicious and unsubstantiated rants bore me.  You're uneducated and unintelligent.



Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:

There is only way that Laos could beat her neighboring countries in the war by using the biological germ war (Outbreak ) to infect every body .

 So Laos don't need big army just the laboratory for disease research and poison the water and the food and infect the animals.

 Like I said third world country armies are only good for suppressing their own unarmed civilians.  When invaded by enemies the soldiers are usually the first to run away leaving people to fend for themselves.  Waste of money, time and effort.


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Cambodian Soldier with M4A2




Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:

There is only way that Laos could beat her neighboring countries in the war by using the biological germ war (Outbreak ) to infect every body .

 you guys already have send enough dirty lao hookers to thailand with aids. next stop, vietnam

 Your vicious and unsubstantiated rants bore me.  You're uneducated and unintelligent.

 i speak the truth, why you lao dumb dumb so offended. cant handle it ?



Great News Laos receiv new Fighter Plans from USA !!!!




































damnn with the new fighers, lao could take over the whole asia. lao # 1

The truth

RE: Which Country have a stronger Army Laos or Cambodia ?

Don't need to spend a lot of monies on military while the Lao people are still poverty. No need military if Lao leader is intelligent in diplomatic and use balance of power between the super power such as the United States , Russia and China. Vietnam is very intelligent to make friend with the old enemy such as the United States to prevent the China invasion of Spratly island. Laos could ask for money to allow the Chinese or the Vietnamese  military base  in Laos that is up to the Lao leader to choose which side Laos will pick to support if the war break out between China and Vietnam.

Red shirt.


Cambodian brother stop show off the Cambodian military power to Thailand . No need . Thailand spend billion of dollars in military budget , air force ( aircraft carrier ), Navy , army and supply . War will destroy both nation . So let just respect  each other and live in peace is better than war.


RE: Wich Country have a stronger Army Laos or Cambodia ?

Red shirt. wrote:

Cambodian brother stop show off the Cambodian military power to Thailand . No need . Thailand spend billion of dollars in military budget , air force ( aircraft carrier ), Navy , army and supply . War will destroy both nation . So let just respect  each other and live in peace is better than war.

  But the yellow shirt don't think like that. As long as the red shirt are in the power there will be peace.



 right....peaceful and yet, most of lao are in gangs....ofcourse lao hate war, they would lost in a matter of days!


How do you know lose th war in a matter of days ?

Lao fought so many wars in the past.  Lao still in the world map today. Lao don't want nobodyelse accept some evil neighbors want fight to us.  we are ready for it.


RE: Which Country have a stronger Army Laos or Cambodia ?

Anonymous wrote:

 right....peaceful and yet, most of lao are in gangs....of course lao hate war, they would lost in a matter of days!


How do you know lose Th war in a matter of days ?

Lao fought so many wars in the past.  Lao still in the world map today. Lao don't want nobody else accept some evil neighbors want fight to us.  we are ready for it.

 Yes , Lao fought Lao for the power and Lao brought Siamese to take over . Then Lao took some part of Lao away from Siam . Now Vietnam control Laos and then soon will change hand to China . So Laos never be herself but dominated by the other country



Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:

 right....peaceful and yet, most of lao are in gangs....of course lao hate war, they would lost in a matter of days!


How do you know lose Th war in a matter of days ?

Lao fought so many wars in the past.  Lao still in the world map today. Lao don't want nobody else accept some evil neighbors want fight to us.  we are ready for it.

 Yes , Lao fought Lao for the power and Lao brought Siamese to take over . Then Lao took some part of Lao away from Siam . Now Vietnam control Laos and then soon will change hand to China . So Laos never be herself but dominated by the other country

 Lao always fight Lao since the beginning of the Lao history. Lao always have been conquered by neighbouring countries such as Burma, China , Vietnam and Siam . Thank god the French came and took part of Lane Xang away from Siam otherwise Lao is still part of Thailand today. Perhaps is better than to be part of Siam than to be part of Vietnam because of Vietnam has different culture and language .


RE: Wich Country have a stronger Army Laos or Cambodia ?

Any body know that Vietnamese army took Lao logs , copper and land and how many illegal Vietnamese are living in Laos since 1975?



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If we really have to choose, I think the Cambodian army is a better equipped, more prepared military force than Laos. They can even stand up stealthily against the Thais.




Lao always fight Lao since the beginning of the Lao history. Lao always have been conquered by neighbouring countries such as Burma, China , Vietnam and Siam . Thank god the French came and took part of Lane Xang away from Siam otherwise Lao is still part of Thailand today. Perhaps is better than to be part of Siam than to be part of Vietnam because of Vietnam has different culture and language .


you are stupid thinking and you think to much and you are less intelligence person, lao always be lao no matters your though is none sense. the past history is done and of coure Siam won war again lao because lao people had betrayed the King Lane Xang. Siam won the war by their hookers and alcahol to poinson lao soldiers that all that is past.  if lao and thai siam fight to face to face today I don't see siam not gona win the  war again lao.  Because lao people are fate up what you just said all of these of above your commentary.



Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:

Don't bother comparing.  They're both third world countries and have old weapons from China and Vietnam.  What's more important is the welfare of the people not expensive tanks and fighter jets.  Most third world country armies are only good at suppressing their own people, just take a look at Burmese and Thai armies for examples.

 Thailand is not a third World Country ^^

Thailand have a realy strong and modern Military.

 Nah Thailand is not a strong in military eventhough they upgrade their military war machines in recently, and their fighter Jets including most of the Copters still using the one that left over from Vietnam war era by a Yankee But they still far behind Vietnam never mind go to war with Vietnam alone. communist Vietnam will wipe themout completely. They the thais, Only better than Laos, Cambodia. So back to your Question, between Laos and Cambodia. I probably think Cambodian a little better than our country Laos. But who care ? Both of our country really a Third world countries anyway. and our country need to educate our people more than build up military. Look at North Korea, they build up their war machines but leave their citizens starved to death...



Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:

Laos without the Vietnamese army , Hmong could easily beat Lao Army.

 Hmong  have a lot of experience in fighting in the jungle ( guerrilla war ) to terrify the big army .

 Fight with Hmong Chao Fah, we really don't need a Vietnam help. otherwise, Gen Vangpao wouldn't have left some thousand Hmong figters in special zone in Saysomboon.


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Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:

Don't bother comparing.  They're both third world countries and have old weapons from China and Vietnam.  What's more important is the welfare of the people not expensive tanks and fighter jets.  Most third world country armies are only good at suppressing their own people, just take a look at Burmese and Thai armies for examples.

 Thailand is not a third World Country ^^

Thailand have a realy strong and modern Military.

 Nah Thailand is not a strong in military eventhough they upgrade their military war machines in recently, and their fighter Jets including most of the Copters still using the one that left over from Vietnam war era by a Yankee But they still far behind Vietnam never mind go to war with Vietnam alone. communist Vietnam will wipe themout completely. They the thais, Only better than Laos, Cambodia. So back to your Question, between Laos and Cambodia. I probably think Cambodian a little better than our country Laos. But who care ? Both of our country really a Third world countries anyway. and our country need to educate our people more than build up military. Look at North Korea, they build up their war machines but leave their citizens starved to death...


I don't can follow you , the Thai Military is much stronger then Vietnam & Cambodia.

Vietnam has much more Material but most of them are just Russian/Chinese Weapons and some Vietnamese made weapons but they are not realy effective.

Thailand have not the bigger Army then Vietnam but they have Modern Weapon Systems. Thai F-16 Gripens , Aircraft Carrier , Modern Tanks etc.



Laos Soldier 2011











Southeast asian are all dark and ugly.



Yes correct,. the Khmer frags are boasters...



Anonymous wrote:

Laos Army is ready to defend the Country and to mess up with its neighbours.

Laos Army is on the same Firepower like Cambodian !

I'm sure that Laos have many strong weapons but they didn't show.









CAMBODIA agreed to acquire Chinese-made Z-9 helicopters for US$195 million in one of 26 memorandums of understanding agreed by the two countries on Saturday.

Cooperation was pledged in sectors such as energy, mining, agriculture and road construction, as well as defence spending and aid. The two-day meeting also saw deals inked involving Cambodian conglomerate Royal Group and the Chinese backers of the controversial Boeung Kak lake development.

Led by Politburo Standing Committee member Zhou Yongkang, the Chinese delegation met with Prime Minister Hun Sen on Saturday.

“[Hun Sen and Zhou] have exchanged views on this new era of cooperation between Cambodia and China,” Eang Sophalleth, Hun Sen’s spokesman, said at a press conference following the closed-door meeting.

Hun Sen reiterated the Cambodian government’s political will to continue backing the One-China’s Policy, or China’s claim to sovereignty over Taiwan and other disputed regions, Eang Sophalleth said.

“The Chinese government needs to trust in Cambodia’s support of the One-China Policy, and Cambodia will stay resolute on this,” Eang Sophalleth quoted Hun Sen as saying during the meeting.

Increased cooperation has been lauded by Cambodian officials and some investment groups, but large-scale investments from China have also raised concerns about the mainland’s rising influence in the Kingdom.

“The more and more Chinese exercise influence in Cambodia, the more Cambodia will become subservient to China,” Lao Mong Hay, a political analyst, said yesterday.

While China’s interest in regional trade and Cambodian resources are substantial, its primary objective is strategic, Lao Mong Hay said. With disputes raging between China and Vietnamover oil-rich territory in the South China Sea, Beijing sees Cambodia as a “security belt” in the region, he said.

The deals signed at the conference covered a broad range of sectors. The heliocopter MoU, which was not discussed at the press conference, was signed by Minister of Economy and Finance Keat Chhon and China’s Vice Minister of Commerce Chen Jian.

Tycoon Lao Meng Khin signed two MoUs on mining and power plant projects with Chinese construction company Erdos Hongjun Investment Company. The two projects are worth roughly $2 billion and are set to break ground in the first quarter of next year, according to documents from China’s National Development and Reform Commission. The Chinese firm and Lao Meng Khin have previously been tied to the controversial Boeung Kak lake housing project in Phnom Penh.

Cambodian mobile operator CamGSM also signed an agreement to co-ordinate with Chinese telecommunications company Huawei in building Cambodia’s first satellite, according to notes from the meeting.

Royal Group chairman and chief executive Kith Meng told the Post yesterday the project was on track to launch in 2013 and would cost as much as $350 million.

Chinese companies have also shown interest in Cambodia’s agricultural produce, signing four agreements aimed at rice exports to the People’s Republic.

Eang Sophalleth said on Saturday Prime Minister Hun Sen had appealed to the Chinese delegation to increase its investments in the Cambodian agricultural industry.

In August last year, Hun Sen set a target of one million tonnes of milled-rice exports by 2015.

“The Chinese president and prime minister have made it an incentive to support Cambodia in all fields of national development. This delegat-ion's visit to Cambodia is a response to Cambodia's desire to boost the exportation of rice to China,” Eang Sophalleth said.

Chinese firms also signed deals on irrigation development and building roads in the Kingdom.

Experts said yesterday they supported Chinese investment in Cambodia, provided it was properly monitored.

Leopard Capital managing partner Scott Lewis said Chinese investment was a fundamental building block in Cambodia's development and should be applauded.

Development and investment by Chinese companies, however, should not come at the expense of environmental destruction and should be monitored, he said.

“These investments need to be welcomed, but they also need to be regulated,” Lewis said.



Your question is very interesting to give you the answers. In my own opinion, Laos has any enemy to fight with after Vietnam war and Laos civil war was over. Laos is making friend with any country in the world even number one enemy during the war like U.S.A. and Thailand as right hand of CIA who fought side by side with the GI against the People Army of Laos. All the countries surrounding Laos are good friends of Laos how come Laos have to put money to buy hi-tech war machines and weapons? Laos doesn't want to show off their forces but, when some one came in their territory and hurting their people you will see how bad they are. They used fought same enemy side by side with Vietnam army since Vietnam war starting, and Vietnam had trained them as good as Vietnam army.

Cambodia likes to show their forces to the world because their next door neighbor is their number one enemy. Cambodia army would be looking stronger than Laos army because their government put a huge budget into their forces to get ready and win the war against their enemy any time if the war broke out.



Anonymous wrote:

Your question is very interesting to give you the answers. In my own opinion, Laos has any enemy to fight with after Vietnam war and Laos civil war was over. Laos is making friend with any country in the world even number one enemy during the war like U.S.A. and Thailand as right hand of CIA who fought side by side with the GI against the People Army of Laos. All the countries surrounding Laos are good friends of Laos how come Laos have to put money to buy hi-tech war machines and weapons? Laos doesn't want to show off their forces but, when some one came in their territory and hurting their people you will see how bad they are. They used fought same enemy side by side with Vietnam army since Vietnam war starting, and Vietnam had trained them as good as Vietnam army.

Cambodia likes to show their forces to the world because their next door neighbor is their number one enemy. Cambodia army would be looking stronger than Laos army because their government put a huge budget into their forces to get ready and win the war against their enemy any time if the war broke out.

 you are the stupidiest person on earth. do you have any brain?



Anonymous wrote:
Anonymous wrote:

Your question is very interesting to give you the answers. In my own opinion, Laos has any enemy to fight with after Vietnam war and Laos civil war was over. Laos is making friend with any country in the world even number one enemy during the war like U.S.A. and Thailand as right hand of CIA who fought side by side with the GI against the People Army of Laos. All the countries surrounding Laos are good friends of Laos how come Laos have to put money to buy hi-tech war machines and weapons? Laos doesn't want to show off their forces but, when some one came in their territory and hurting their people you will see how bad they are. They used fought same enemy side by side with Vietnam army since Vietnam war starting, and Vietnam had trained them as good as Vietnam army.

Cambodia likes to show their forces to the world because their next door neighbor is their number one enemy. Cambodia army would be looking stronger than Laos army because their government put a huge budget into their forces to get ready and win the war against their enemy any time if the war broke out.

 you are the stupidiest=Wrong spelling..... person on earth. do you have any brain?

Before you're calling someone name and said he/she's stupidest person on earth, watch out for yourself first. I think you're the one who's more stupidest than him/her because you were spelling incorrect STUPIDEST. There's no English word that's spelling ( STPUDIEST ) like you did, here's the correct spelling: STUPIDEST.   So. I think he/she has smart brain more than you. 



Watch for your language Mr.

Khon Kang.



mispelled word is a big deal? you are also a very stupid person.yawn



Thailand army has modern equipment woupons, but never use for the war. They have only conflict within thier own country. we are 6 million people, 6 million soldiers, 6 million polices. we are ready to fight for our country as you see that we experiences the vietnam war. Vietnam and Laos never forget each other. Remember thai bull**** thinking.



As of right now, Cambodia surpass LAOS in every category. Don't even think about compare Laos to Cambodia.

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