Oh I had seen this video before. Last year NTU students went to Laos and covered this dance of their final year projects.
When they presented their projects to the audiences in the one of the famous museums in Singapore, they invited many people to have a look. I also attented there as well. Based on their video of this dance, our Lao dancers of this group told the audience that they have been proud of the fact that they could make something different from our culture normal dance. This kind of dance, our poor teenagers thought, for middle class people......... In short, it was a kind of a big change in Lao society.
The Singapore student who did this video made some comments. It seemed to him just a normal Western dance, but for Lao teenagers it was probably a big change and big improvement. He concluded that it could be the case that Laos is just open up.
However, while sitting there next to one Western woman, probably her nationality is British, I was asked several questions by her knowing that I come from Laos. One of questions that I remember quite well is:"Why do Lao teenagers give a credit to this kind of dance so high? In Western countries this kind of dance is just for the low class like black people, but not for middle class people”.
I could not answer her question, I just smiled to her.
Nevertheless, I do think that the dance is good for exercise and can keep our teenagers to be fit. In addition, it can probably help them away from the drug.