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Post Info TOPIC: Lao student uniform is it necessary to reform?

Lao student uniform is it necessary to reform?

this is the Lao student uniform for  lower and upper Secondary schooler  in Laos. do you think is it neccessary to  reform the uniform of student in Laos?

I think it 's time to reform, because it's really unconvinent for student to wear the same uniform in a whole week, what about just wearing the normal cloths?

as you know, the shirt is white, the weather is so hot, it's very easy to get dirty espeically on summer

Many poor student in Laos have only one or two white shirts to wear for their semester, it 's so hard for them, in contrast  the rich student have 5-7 white shirts to change daily,,,,, it's so unfair..........

Ps:  there is new fashion in Lao university student nowaday, they wear very short lao skirt and then very tight shirt which is easy to have a transparency on the body, what is the hell of our culture?

School KM52 (Intern teachers of english from Lao National University)

Lao teacher in Vientiane


I don't agree with this idea. I have some the following reasons to support my points.

Firstly, uniforms are essential for school students because they allow students to all look the same and not have to keep up with the fashion while at school. If uniforms were non-existant, students may be victimised by others because of the clothes they choose to wear. Focus may be placed on the clothes people wear instead of on schoolwork, which is what school is all about. This is damaging to students' studies because, for one reason, each morning, students do not need to decide what to wear, they simply get dressed in their uniform. School's purpose is to educate, not to be a fashion parade right?

Secondly, everyone wearing the same uniform allows students to be easily identified. Also, all students wearing a neat and well-presented uniform reflects well on Lao culture, the school and presents a good image.

It is clear that school uniforms are necessary because they save time and money and make sure that students are not victimised in any way. One of the problems is that many students do not like wearing them. Having a uniform makes everything easier because nobody can really complain as they all have to wear it. They also make the students look respectable and ensures them of being able to find their group if they get lost, by their distinctive uniform. It is essential that uniforms be made compulsory in all schools because of the obvious advantages.

If everyone was wearing different clothes, nobody would know where a student was from. The chosen style of uniform may not suit some students and this may lower their self-esteem. Parents may be annoyed that uniforms are expensive, especially in private schools where prices can be quite high.



It should be non-existent. not non-existant.



I totally support the idea of having the students wearing uniform everyday.  Wearing school uniform is good discipline and that all students and pupils are equal. The only thing I don't like is the school tie. The tie is funny short and not fashionable.  



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In France, only a few school (privates) are still using uniforms. But more and more people are considering the idea of re-use uniform in public schools.

With uniform, there is no difference between rich and poor, no "social pressure" to wear famous branded and expensive clothes (not always better quality... just a loss of money.... particulary hard for parents who don't have a lot of money)

Now we also have problems with some innocent young girls wearing very sexy clothes just bacause they want to copy their favourite stars... this is inapropriate at school and considering their young age.

I think it's good if Laos keep uniform. Moreover, students look beautifull with their lao uniform.

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