What is wrong with the Lao Gov for doing this? If they wants to bring in more investor and business into Laos. This fraudary shouldn't be tempted especially coming from the Lao government and their family. If more corruption news coming out of Laos. I'm sure Laos will lose a lot of investor and business because no one wants to trust a country or government who has a long list of bad reputation because of security and safty issue for everyone elses. I'm sure their are more worst corruption inside Laos then this.
Time will only tell when these Lao government and there family will be removed by the international community. Lao people had suffer long enough and it is time for Lao people to remove these corrupt family out of Laos for the betterment of Laos future and our grand kids.
wonder why no so many replies. maybe scare of gov. but i'll give you my kip cents. back in mid 2000's LSK now Laos Stars Channel immorally seize, took, stole or whatever you call it, they intimidatly seize those Lao American assets equiptment and even land and houses. Those investors were Lao BC and few others and are still afraid to come visit Laos Just like Thai drama