I'm living in Portugal right now and there is plenty of offer from both markets (Used and New).
They have a lot of stores with refurbished phones only!
I found this website which gathers some store offers together and i'm confused because the price difference is there (200€ easy). I'll leave the link below for you guys to compare as well.
They offer 1 year warranty in refurbished phones.
What do you guys think I sould do? Risk on the refurbished one or the new one?
My research: https://www.tecmagnet.com/produtos/equipamento/telemoveis?pagina=1&q=Apple+-+iPhone+6s+-+Cinzento+-+&id_marca=13&id_modelo=686&orderPreco=+preco+ASC&query=%5B%5B%2230%22%2C%22616%22%5D%5D