I will not strict only to the corruption in Laos, but I want to understand the global scale regarding the causes of corrption. So, as the question goes,
What was the causes of corrption on the world development?
Sad to say that corruption is a disease in the less developed countries around the world.
According to some references, the causes of corruption are following: 1) Bad leader, meaning either he doesn’t commit to get corruption free or doesn’t bother to cope with corrupted people, because he is also corrupted person.
2) Weak or blind laws, meaning law is not so adequate and powerful to get corrupted people been punished. Not all people are equal to the law. System is not transparent.3) Less educated people and not know their rights. Corruption is normal practice for them.
4) Low income, low salary, meaning public officers are not adequately paid. No other choice to survive. Fortunately, our Prime Minister Bouasone Bouphavang has declared a war with corruption since he got office. That means in our country the first cause probably we can sure to say that we don’t have such a cause, although probably we are not sure for the heads and officers who collect the taxes.
For cause number 2, 3 and 4, I doubt that we can delete them. I don’t understand that our government really tries hard to get rid of them. But the thing cannot be done over night, I do understand.
agree with you TSP, but the law against corruption is only a sheet of paper, it is not praticable because most of our high ranking officials are corruptors sad !