You can now cast your vote at the right side of this webpage. Every of your vote has a meaning to all participants.
If the person you vote for become Miss Laoaponelao 2008 this year, you will have a chance to win a luxury prize from Samakomlao !!!
How to join this game ?
1) Cast your vote at the poll located on the right side of this page ( You can vote from this webboard, but only those who signup and vote is counted )
2) After you vote, the result page will pop up, and you need to write a comment and reason why you select for that number, with your name and contact info ( See example here >> )
3) Wait and see untill the official result of Miss Aponelao 2008.
4) If the person you vote for become Miss universe, get instantly the luxury gift set from Samakomlao webmaster !!!
5) In case of many people got the right anser, lucky draw will be conducted.
For those who vote for many numbers, you will not counted for the Samakaomlao contest, Please vote only for one number. I know it is tough, but please try !
Make yourself visible, signup at samakomlao webboard. HERE
as a professional photograph i know our taste is different from the public's. that why i vote for # 12. i would add to my2cent takes, she has very nice eyes.
OY NOR vote for n* 3 please poor girl ,,,,remember pretty girl alway not good like like ugly one ,we are man don`t marry with beautiful girl go for ugly one if you want to live in peace ,if you marry with beautiful one you will be slave till day you die remember guy