I think this is a fake number, if we really growth at 7.8% rate why the hell we still (Bare Mue Kor Tang Shart yuuu ? ) it' a lie statistic.. it' a fake...
I think this is a fake number, if we really growth at 7.8% rate why the hell we still (Bare Mue Kor Tang Shart yuuu ? ) it' a lie statistic.. it' a fake...
I think this person ^^ needs to do some research and read more...
7.8 % of GDP seems to be a pretty success but to compare to other countries, it is still a very small number comparing to the percertage of the amount of money we can make by millions and theirs by billions. but it is enough for us to go forward and I hope that the earning or salaries of simple people like us will be increased at least of 2.5 % for next year Hi Hi Hi !