no one know that there is a life after people die, but it is said that there is reborn after people die. i heard about this story from someone who remembers his last life and he explains how he reborn and how he remembers all the past things.
Despite without any evidence of next life or rebirth, people still profoundly believe in religious preaching. I don't want to hurt anyone but for me, all religions preach love and care of human being, one have to be faithful ect... but in the same time we can see in the new testament the preaching : " who are not with me are my ennemies " . The celebrated words that the president of the US, George W. Bush used when initiating the war against terrorism in Iraq...that brought so many atrocities to innocent iraqi people. So, for me religions are preaching selfish and at the end divided people, threw away the word "solidarity" and taken the words " who are not with me are my ennemies " in the heart and spirit. then you have ennemies everywhere !
There are billion of stars in the galaxy and there are billion of trillions galaxies in the universe and also there are many and many universes in the vacuum of the deep empty space that is beyond the human being to understand .If there is God and God must be created by nature from somewhere there are no atom, electron , proton , nuclear , quark ,black hole, dark matter and dark energy and no particle elements and matter and nothing . God is delusion . There are no God only right and wrong , good and evil . Only the law of nature and law of physics that created itself to be existed.When you are dead that means you are finished . No reincarnation . Unless some day in the future when human is so advance then the scientist could take your genes and chromosomes and chrome you and store your memory from your brain cell in the super computer and then transfer back to your new brain and body. When the human being capable to do that and travel faster then the speed of light and able to travel through time and travel back in time and become God to the cave man and implant the test tube baby to the virgin woman to be the mother of the son of God. Perhaps that might be possible in a few millions years from now if we will not destroy our self or the asteroid or comet will not hit the earth first.
-- Edited by Dark Angel on Friday 26th of November 2010 07:32:13 PM