These core vocabulary reference sheets provide between 150 and 240 key words and phrases for each industry. Each series is divided into three pages that, when combined, form an alphabetical list. In taking this lexical approach to attaining key vocabulary, students should be encouraged to translate the specific words and phrases into their native tongues as each phrase has a very specific translation in each language.
absentee absenteeism absenteeism rate accident at work - industrial injury applicant - candidate application form to apply for a job to appoint a person apprenticeship aptitude test to ask for a rise assessment of applicants assistant back pay bargaining power basic salary to be dismissed - to be fired to be laid off to be on probation - to be on trial to be on strike to be out of work business hours - office hours Christmas bonus clerical work - office work company bargaining - company negotiation compensation for permanent disability concealed work - moonlighting contractual situation cost of living allowance credentials day shift direct labour disability pension disciplinary measure - disciplinary sanction to dismiss - to fire overtime pay overtime work part-time part-time job partial disability pay pay formula - retribution diagram pay increase for merit payroll - payroll ledger payslip pension pension fund period of notice permanent disability permanent job - steady job permanent staff personnel - staff personnel department personnel requirements planner prevention production bonus professional qualifications professional training programmer public holiday (GB) - national holiday (US) purchasing manager re-employment redundancy payment refresher course relationship management remuneration resign (chairman) - to give notice (employee) resignation (chairman) - notice (employee) to retire
Yes, those terms are very familiar to me as I am doing HRM degree now and will return to Laos next year, hope I can find a job there or otherwise I will return here again as some courses that I learned here are not related to Laos 'Labour law' such as Ocupational health and Safety, Industrial relation etc...
Or if I could, I would like to work with Ministry of Labour and Social Walfare to develop an effective employement relations in Laos.